Triumph for LOYTEC at the Austria’s Leading Companies Award 2014

From a solid small business to a golden medium-sized enterprise

Austria’s Leading Companies Award 2014LOYTEC wins in the category “golden medium-sized enterprises” of Vienna at the Austria’s Leading Companies Award 2014. After second place in the previous year, then still in the category “solid small businesses”, LOYTEC couldn’t just improve its ranking, but also rise from a small business to a medium-sized enterprise. The award is annually presented by WirtschaftsBlatt (daily newspaper for economics), PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), and KSV1870. On the 25th of November 2014, managing director Hans-Jörg Schweinzer received the highly coveted award in the course of a celebration at the Viennese Palais Liechtenstein. 

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